Tooth Extractions

While we make every effort to preserve your natural teeth - Dr. Silverstein believes "nothing beats a natural tooth" - there are instances that extractions or tooth removal is necessary.  Often this is due to decay that has made the tooth unsalvageable or when you have advanced periodontal disease. When a tooth is malformed, damaged, impacted or ingrown, different procedures are used, but all extractions are considered surgery.

When necessary, Dr. Silverstein will provide tooth removal in the most comfortable, minimally invasive approach to not only make the visit manageable but also obtain the best outcome for a tooth replacement, which may include a dental implant, bridge, or denture. 

If you're having one or more teeth extracted and planning to have a dental implant, it's often important to have bone grafting performed during the tooth extraction.  With tooth loss, the jaw bone can shrink and if there's limited available bone, implant placement can become more involved, costly, and in some cases, impossible.  By planning to preserve bone after the extraction, Dr. Silverstein can help build a strong foundation for tooth replacement.


Why do I need my tooth extracted?

A tooth may be deemed hopeless due to decay, infection, fracture, gum disease, or other reasons.  

What should I expect during an extraction procedure?

During the procedure, Dr. Silverstein will first need to numb your tooth, jaw bone and gums.  This will ensure you feel no pain or sharpness.  You feel the pressure without pain as the anesthetic has numbed the nerves which block the feeling of pain, but the nerves will continue to transmit pressure. If you do feel discomfort at any time during the procedure, please let us know right away as strive to prevent this event.

How long is the healing process?

Depending upon the number of teeth, extent of infection, and treatment needs, the post procedure healing process will vary.  Our team will provide a customized post-operative protocol based on your needs to minimize discomfort and promote a rapid healing process.  If you received a bone graft with the intention of having a dental implant placed in the future, a waiting period of three months is expected for your body to build new bone.  Dr. Silverstein and his team will provide follow-up care as part of your treatment plan.


If you are concerned you may need a tooth extraction, contact our office for an evaluation.